Essay Writing on Neuroscience Research

Our software helps scientists and students write articles and essays about neuroscience. It eases the researcher's journey to finding the necessary scientific data. The information is organized in the finest manner to make the search smooth and quick.

This project allows students to get the necessary data in one place. They can get access to the information provided by scientists of the Neuroscience Institute. The database also contains other research results and articles that describe different aspects connected with brain anatomy and functions.

Essay writing service writers essentially benefit from getting important information with the help of our software. Some articles are written on unique topics, so writers don’t miss a chance to help students impress college professors. Among these publications, you can find the following information:

How do emotions influence our behavior?

Our software will help you find neuroscience research papers that explain the power of emotions and how they influence our behavior. The way we feel is often the reason why we make different decisions, estimate obstacles, judge other people, and even work. Anger, happiness, sadness, fear, and embarrassment influence the individual's ability to reach success. Your progress depends on the way you interpret your emotions and cope with negative ones.

  • CBD cigarettes.
  • Oils.
  • Vape pens.
  • Edibles.
  • Topicals.
  • Capsules.
  • Treats for pets.

Prevention and treatment of nervous system disorders

The nervous system is responsible for the brain and body functions. It controls taste, emotions, movements, balance, blood flow and pressure. The central nervous system also gives you the ability to think, decide, speak, and learn. It's a complex network that requires special attention and treatment. Your life will change even if one of the nerves gets damaged, as most nervous system problems are hard to treat. They often cause chronic pains, sensitivity to touch, muscle weakness, lack of focus, and dizziness. However, professional essay writers can find information that explains how to prevent nervous system disorders. Here are a few recommendations that help avoid different problems in the future:

  • Keep a balanced diet that includes fats and vitamins D and B-12
  • Quit smoking
  • Train your nervous system by writing and play logic games
  • Exercise a few times a week
  • The prevention of treatment of diseases of the nervous system can also involve taking CBD products.

The effect of music on the brain

Music positively influences brain activity and helps cope with different health issues, including stress, depression, and pain. Scientists proved that music stimulates the brain more than any other factor. A relaxing melody helps patients recover after stroke faster, improve short-term memory, reduce painful feelings, and improve mood. Depending on your preferences, music can make you a better communicator, overcome fear, reduce seizures, and relieve stress. This topic is popular at college, so a professional essay writing service can help students research the subject and write an impressive article about the music power.

Art positively influences brain function

Art is much more than just beautiful pictures, ancient statues, and hidden meaning. It's been proved that Art impacts the brain and positively influences emotions, helps achieve mental balance, and regulate serotonin levels. Besides, it can change the way you experience and accept this world. Attending a local exhibition and looking at different pictures can help you feel less stressed out. Art also helps improve analytical skills, increase attention span, and develop a worldview.

How to improve memory?

An overwhelming pressure, negative emotions, and inability to reduce stress affect human memory. If you're nervous about something, you can't concentrate, and you realize that you can't remember your email password or even your colleague's name. Actually, you know this information, but your brain was affected by some negative factor, and now it blocks your memory. To reduce the risks of forgetting important information, you can take the following steps:

  • Get more sleep
  • Play brain-training games
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid stressful moments
  • Eat fruits and vegetables
  • Write down your plans
  • Learn rhymes
  • Read books.

Explanation of the connection between pain and brain

Sometimes a person doesn't even notice how chronic pain affects their life. Unfortunately, regular discomfort becomes a part of the everyday routine, and no one pays attention to their mental conditions. Blue mood, depression, anxiety are the invisible enemies that can be caused by chronic pain. At first, a patient doesn't realize that the pain they feel every second takes joy from their life. They get used to painful feelings, and sadness and fatigue become an integral part of their life.

In some cases, patients focus on their chronic pain, which leads to excessive worries, fears, and sleep disorders. These factors affect the emotional balance and cause serious problems connected with mental conditions. Besides, chronic pain changes the brain structure, and people who have to struggle with this disorder can have problems with memorizing information, learning and focusing.

As you can see, our database contains many useful articles about neuroscience. However, we've collected only the most popular topics, so you can find more interesting research findings with the help of our software. Professional paper writers regularly use our database to get unique research results and write meaningful papers. It's a trustworthy source that supplies students, scientists, and writers with credible information.

The NeuroScholar Project is the flagship project for the Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Research Group at the Information Sciences Institute in Marina Del Rey. We are a group specializing in computational approaches (based on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering) to computing with information drawn from the scientific literature.

The literature is the natural repository for scientific knowledge, our mission is therefore to find ways to make that information readily available to non-computational biomedical scientists and help them organize their understanding of their systems of interest.

We have generated two downloadable working systems at present:

  1. The NeuroScholar System
  2. The NeuARt II System.

We are developing NLP architecture for Information Extraction of data from large bodies of text. We will also soon be moving websites (watch this space!).

About the Neuroscholar Project

The subject of neuroscience is complex, broad and deep. It uses data from many disciplines:  anatomy, physiology, chemistry, physics, molecular biology, cognitive science and ethology to name a few. It traverses many temporal and spatial scales; from milliseconds to generations, and angstroms to meters. The brain itself has been called 'the most complex object in the known universe' (by Nobel-Prize winner James Watson) and the number of individual cells, and connections between cells is (literally) astronomical. The biggest challenge to understanding the large-scale organization of the brain across systems, modalities and scales is therefore complexity of our own data. We contend that knowledge management systems could be built that address this challenge.

The NeuroScholar project provides knowledge engineering software for use by the neuroscience community. The basic framework of our approach is illustrated in the Figure shown below. Shown here is a typical scenario facing neuroscientists: the information required is scattered throughout a number of knowledge sources (in the literature, on the web, in local data files in the lab). NeuroScholar permits users to capture 'fragments' from the knowledge sources, which then can be used to define knowledge representation items within the primary system.The NeuroScholar system permits users to isolate fragments of data from those sources and then bring them together to form facts which may then be incorporated with interpretations and relations to build representations of knowledge within NeuroScholar that may then be used.

Rather than having to remember or keep physical notes about the thousands of individual facts, assumptions and interpretations that underlie a theoretical perspective, scientists can use NeuroScholar to store, retrieve, evaluate and communicate what they think and the reasoning that defines why they think it.

The NeuroScholar system is the flagship application of this project but we have developed other tools to be used in conjunction with the system. These deliver specialized functionality to a neuroscience knowledge user such as the 'Electronic Laboratory Notebook' (ELN), support for schematic diagrams (Diagrammar) and neuroanatomical mapping functions (NeuARt II). The NAWS system is a method for using NeuroScholar to be able to run analyses on it's contents as a remote webservice, and the Sangam project is concerned with intergrating information between different web services (of which NeuroScholar could be one). We have also built software engineering tools to assist with the construction of NeuroScholar-like knowledge bases. This subsystem is called the 'View-Primitive Data Model framework' (VPDMf').

We currently work in close collaboration with the laboratories of Larry Swanson and Alan Watts at USC, to provide knowledge engineering support for their work concerning detailed neuroanatomical circuitry of the hypothalamus and the effects of glucoprivation as a metabolic form of stress.

We provide the full source code for all aspects of the system (available from Sourceforge. We distribute this code under a license that is very similar in form to the LGPL (put together by the legal department at USC).

The NeuroScholar system is having some impact in the biological community. We typically announce new releases to four mailing lists: the '[email protected]' and '[email protected]' lists; our own announcement list: '[email protected]' and a local list for neuroscience graduate students at USC ('[email protected]'). Announcements of this kind usually cause a significant spike in the number of downloads of our software from the SourceForge website. Click here to be taken to the NeuroScholar downloads statistics page. These statistics are the primary way that we monitor our level of impact within the community.

Research Agenda

The mission of this project is to answer large-scale questions about the organization of the whole brain, across modalities, scales and systems. We strive to accomplish this by the development and delivery of stable open-source software in direct collaboration with neuroscientists so that they can use in their everyday research. We strive to make our software reliable and general enough to be genuinely useful to the overall community of neuroscientist as well as our immediate collaborators.

Our strategy can be broken down into the following three general approaches:

  • Build high-throughput tools for knowledge acquisition and management of neuroscience data.
  • Build computational knowledge representations that capture the logicical structure of neuroscience experiments
  • Build modeling/theoretical frameworks for performing computational analysis on our representations.
  • Build working, releasable software! (see our SourceForge project-site for downloads)

The specific aims of our current work may be paraphrased as follows:

  • Developing an ontological framework for neuroscientific experiments in general.
  • To build a knowledge-management system for a laboratory that effectively captures all the knowledge of that laboratory.
  • Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to extract information efficiently from the current literature thereby making the process of data entry into the Neuroscholar suite as straightforward as possible.
  • To instantiate these systems in the Watts and Swanson laboratories in a way that empowers and accelerates the work that they are doing.